Thursday, July 8, 2010

Meet Your Advisor - Tyrone Austin

This Week's Featured Advisor:  Tyrone Austin

How many years have you worked in the UAC?  How many total years at WSU?
12 years for both

What is your educational background?
Bachelor of Social Psychology (Park University (Missouri)
Master of Education in Health Education (Wayne State University)
Master of Arts in Counseling Education (Wayne State University)

Do you work with any specialized student populations?
Student Athletes

What are you currently reading/watching?
Not currently reading anything (just finished with a Spring course), Currently watching Track and Field meets on television, Scrubs and Simpsons reruns on FOX.

Do you have a philosophy for Advising?
Students and advisors are responsible for student success academically and both must be proactive in the process. The main responsibility for academic achievement is up to the student with the advisor providing the necessary guidance and when needed, positive regard and encouragement. Advisors must display empathy and professionalism, but also not allow students to settle or become complacent in their academic pursuits.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you HAVE to have?
Water, fruit and an intellectual woman.